m0e.space update
Due to dead server and lost data (temporarily) we now have three big news:
m0e.space website is updated
Now this website is Hugo blog with custom theme, where you can get all necessary info and news. You can get RSS feed here. You don’t need to join telegram group, but all news will be crossposted on telegram and fediverse account that will be created after some time.
Akkoma is dead. (temporarily)
I’ll bring it back alive when server will be online, we have alternative instance: GoToSocial, so go ahead and sign up. You can skip thinking about writing reason text and tell that you was a member of Akkoma instance and I’ll probably approve you as soon as I open your signup letter. Make sure to check account settings after registration, it has most of the features that Akkoma had and also brings new cool features, such as page style!
Akkoma will be migrated to GoToSocial (probably)
I talked about it on Fediverse (link is dead because pl.m0e.space is dead lol) and I really want to migrate to more stable and convenient (at least for me) ActivityPub backend such as GoToSocial. It’s more lightweight, it doesn’t have strange shit with admin panel (AdminFE fuck you), it works for me out-of-box without spending a couple of days to understand, why Akkoma can’t be upgraded again with it’s fucking Elixir dependencies, etc.
BUT! I want to migrate all features that I love in Akkoma (PleromaFE, emoji react, Deepl translate, etc.), so I decided to make my own fork that’ll cover all this convenient things.
social.m0e.space will become stable polygon for Akkoma-GoToSocial migration after original Akkoma instance revival, lolibuttson.me (this domain costs me 0$ so i don’t care about name) - unstable version with quick fixes and goofy errors (also it’s an anarchy server, so you can do anything you want except breaking Finnish laws, so I’;ll ban you if you do that).